Todd’s 11 Rules for Technology in 2011

February 11, 2011 § 1 Comment

  1. Your email address must have some relationship to your actual name, and the closer to your full name, the better.
  2. If you don’t check your email at least once per day, we can’t be friends.
  3. You don’t have to have a smart phone, but I can’t relate if you don’t want one.
  4. It is time to get rid of Hotmail, AOL, and really any email provider that isn’t Gmail, Yahoo, or your business’s domain.  With email forwarding services, switching is much easier than you probably think.
  5. You should have more than one charger for every digital device you own that runs on a rechargeable battery.
  6. It is time that you own a portable device with a map function.
  7. If you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy, your next computer should be a Mac.
  8. You should have a Paypal account by now.
  9. At only $5 per month, everyone ought to use Backblaze or a similar online backup service. Sometimes computers die or get stolen, and that’s a real bummer – you know what’s worse?  Having that happen and losing all of your files in the process.
  10. The simplicity of services like Google Docs and Dropbox (both free!) mean that you shouldn’t bother emailing yourself files anymore.
  11. You have to at least try the Kindle before claiming that you like “real” books too much to get one.

§ One Response to Todd’s 11 Rules for Technology in 2011

  • Kate says:

    You’re such a technology snob – why can’t we just like real books? And why not email yourself files, they’re right in the inbox! Agreed on all other counts though…

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