Keep your eyes on the goal

January 2, 2011 § Leave a comment

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. As a general rule, I believe if you want to start (or stop) doing something, you should just start (or stop) doing that thing.  You don’t need to “resolve” to do it, and you certainly shouldn’t wait until January to start (or stop) doing whatever it is you want to start (or stop) doing.

I do, however, believe in setting goals.  A few years ago during our annual Christmas Tea, we decided to share our goals for the coming year.  The following week, we memorialized our goals via email, and at some point later that year, we all did a “goal check up” (again via email), before repeating the process the following Christmas.  We did this because it seemed like a good idea.  Little did we know that writing down your goals, making them public, and being accountable to others for your goals are considered some of the best ways to ensure that they happen.  I’d also add that specific and quantifiable measurements make a big difference.

Hopefully you can see the difference between making New Year’s resolutions and setting clear, measurable goals.  If not, let me show you:

Resolution (bad): I’m going to get in shape in 2011.

Goal (good): I’m going to run the River Bank Run on May 7, 2011 (great day, by the way).

There’s no good way to track “getting in shape.”  Does it mean going to the gym 4 times per week?  Increasing your bench press?  Lowering your average pace per mile?  Additionally, there’s no way to figure out when you’ve gotten in shape, and therefore, even if you do manage to “get in shape” you won’t get the benefit that comes from knowing you achieved your goal.

On the other hand, committing to running a 15-mile race on a specific day gives you an obvious, measurable goal to work towards, with clear signposts along the way (such as being able to run 3 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles, etc.).  On your way to reaching that goal, you are very likely to “get in shape” (whatever that means), and, oh, by the way, it’s going to feel great when you finish the race and achieve your goal.

Now that you know how I feel, here are my 3 goals for 2011:

1. Run 365 miles.

After a 2-year hiatus, I’ve recently started running again a couple of times per week.  I’ve been exercising regularly since law school (thanks, Dad, for suggesting that going to the gym was a good thing to do when I was sick of studying), but my relationship with running has been very on again off again.  This year, I’m going to run an average of 1 mile per day (but not actually run 1 mile each day).  So far, I’m WAY ahead of pace, having run 3 miles in 2 days (547.5 miles per year pace for you non-math types).

2. Read 12 books.

This is year 3 of this goal.  In 2009 I finished about a week late.  In 2010 I had a lot more time on my hands and nearly tripled my goal, reading 33 books.  After getting a book from Kate for my birthday, and a Kindle from my parents for Christmas, I feel good that I can achieve this goal again.

3. Find a job/career path that I’m comfortable doing for the next few years.

I used to think that I was going to get out of school, go to work for one organization, stay there for 40 years, and then retire.  Well, that obviously didn’t happen.  So let’s try to simplify and find something that I want to do for at least a few years.

Happy New Year!

Toddbits – September 25, 2010

September 25, 2010 § 2 Comments

1.  The 2nd installment of Art Prize is taking place in Grand Rapids right now — which means that you all have the opportunity to see 10 years worth of dryer lint turned into a replica of The Last Supper.  (Thank you, Joel, for the photo)

Go figure: Joel met the artist and says that she’s a bit nutty.

2.  Over the past month, Kate and I have locked down the members of our wedding party – which falls somewhere in between asking someone to marry you and asking someone to go on a date with you.  We posted some pictures to our other website under the “Bridal Party” section.  Be sure to check out the picture of me and Leland.

3.  This morning, I participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, along with Kate, her family, and extended family.  I took first.  Kate took second.  Kate probably would have won had I not pushed her down right before the finish line.

The shirt backs say “For Lor.”

4.  As many of you know, I’m working on Justin Amash’s political campaign (don’t forget to vote on November 2nd!).  While you’ve probably heard about one of Justin’s opponents, PLEASE don’t sleep on Ted Gerrard.

5.  Looking at Ted Gerrard’s website reminds me of (by far) the most entertaining lawyer I’ve ever met.  The illustrious David R. Justian.  True story: after the judge granted summary disposition against his client (and in favor of mine), Justian retired from the practice of law.  This guy was not only hilarious, but also a true renaissance man.  How many people do you know who can provide both legal advice AND subtitles for your YouTube video?

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